
Dr. Vinita Deshpande

Consultant For Lifestyle Diseases
Vinita is a powerhouse of optimism, a doctor who can heal and moreover a doctor who wishes for a healthier life where she won’t have to cure you. She is a nutrition expert, believes in food as medicine and that disease prevention is the key to the future. It is natural to her persona that she believes in lifestyle changes and thinking more than medicine as her way of practice. Deeply rooted in her cultural identity along with scientific rationale, vinita is a seamless millennial thinker, who understands the contemporary very well. She believes in permanent sustainable solutions than temporary quick ones and ceaselessly works towards achieving the same. Vinita has a holistic approach towards her profession and it makes her practice unique. Seldom will you find a doctor who wants to think beyond medicine, who wants to be a part of your life, understand your social, cultural and individual facets and give you a fitness regime for lifetime.
Vinita's persona exudes a positive approach to living. She loves everything under the sun, craves for pleasures of human creations- she cooks, paints, dances and writes. A voracious reader, Vinita is inclined towards philosophies and passionate towards life. A mother of two beautiful girls, she loves being a woman, feels empowered with feminine energy and strives to support women. As she herself says, a patient can be the best doctor, for he knows where it suffers; she believes her own experiences of treatments in young age have made her more rooted in the idea of preventive approach rather than medication.
Through her research and experience, Vinita endeavours to contribute towards sustainability of the ‘human race’. Her concepts of lifestyle changes, functional medicine, food choices evolved from local and cultural traits and thinking more than medicine are all equated for her sincere efforts to prevent harmful genetic mutations in human species.


‘When one person wants to support another person, one should see and possess a vision beyond eyesight.’ This thought has inspired me to reflect and aspire towards learning newer and elaborate aspects and modes of treating people. I have always had an inner quest for knowledge and deep intention to reduce suffering in society. This quest has led to me to take multifaceted education, a journey that is ongoing. Every aspect of knowledge has added a dimension to my understanding of the human body and psyche and enriched me to have a holistic view towards medicine and life.
I believe that ‘Healing’ is different from cure. I believe that if a disease has originated from a thought it should go back by a new thought. If disease has originated with food it should be reversed with new food choices. If disease has originated from an impulsive lifestyle it should be exchanged with a more feasible and flexible lifestyle.
What is inside us and what surrounds us makes or breaks our personality and well-being. My vision is towards understanding every person independently considering all aspects of his/her living and work towards a healthy individual, and further to a healthy society. Although a doctor, I encourage all to have a healthy lifestyle sans medicine, and my efforts are towards helping you form one healthy life pattern for yourself. My sincere request to all is to open your inner eyes and let ‘us’ think much more than medicine!


P.G. Dip in Clinical Nutrition

Each factor contributes to our own energy. Sometimes using our stored energy is of utmost importance it is called ‘fasting- the ancient Sanjivani’. Vinita has studied about 12-15 diet plans used globally, and has taken efforts to understand fasting therapy in depth.

BHMS (Merit in MUHS)

Homeopathy has given Vinita an approach to look at the patient as a whole, in the totality of all signs and symptoms along with an individual's unique traits. While practicing with homeopathic medicines, she realised that something more is needed to achieve recovery in patients, finding the root cause of the ailment.

P.G. Dip in Psychological Counselling

Studying psychological counselling has given Vinita a vision towards understanding that the origin of many diseases is in our thoughts; and treating thoughts is essential. She thus incorporates alterations in thinking along with medicines and dietary plans that lead to long lasting results.

Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy

Learning yoga, naturopathy and clinical aspects of nutrition in depth has well equipped vinita with tools to guide patients and train them to take control of their own health without any medication.

Work experience: IDM Clinic, Canada

Vinita has had an opportunity to discuss and to be present at Intensive Dietary Management Canada about her studies of Dietary plans around the world and its cultural aspects.

Certification in Diabetes, Mellitus

Diabetes and metabolic syndrome are the pandemics the world is facing. India being one of them, primary cause being lifestyle as per many scientific researches. Learning pathophysiology of both in detail gives vinita an intrinsic understanding of its root cause.

Sound therapist

‘Sound’ has tremendous healing powers if used correctly; as a sound therapist vinita has developed her unique angle of using it for healing of patients.

MA Indology (Indian Culture)

Vinita observed the significant role of culture in treating an individual, and that ‘functional medicine’ is new to the world but India has all the wisdom covered in Vedas and Upanishads’. She decided to go deeper into Vedic and Vedanta studies and take formal education, and thus is now studying Indian culture.

Sanskrit learner

Vinita has seen the effects of Sanskrit on moods and emotions personally and on people around her. Goodness of this ancient knowledge fascinates her and believes in its power to heal an individual. Scientists today are saying that it can also enhance grey matter in the brain.


Vinita’s proficiency lies in her holistic approach that addresses the root cause and not just the symptom. She is a nutrition expert and believes in alternative medicine. Vinita’s healthy lifestyle interventions show permanent changes towards diabetes management, weight loss and disease prevention. She believed that food can cure and thus along with medicines, she devises a day’s plan with exercise (mental and physical) and diet plans. Her expertise is in changing lifestyles for a long lasting healthy life, with plans that run with you and stay with you.